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math riddles

Math riddles are a great way to enrich kids' knowledge. It is beneficial for kids to stay fit both mentally and physically and math riddles for kids are a way to exercise their minds in the funniest and in a tricky way.

These interesting math riddles are one of the trickiest ways to approach the subject. Here are some math riddles for kids with answers:

20 Animal Riddles

1. If you add a number to the number itself, multiply it by 4, and divide the product by 8, you will get the same number again. What is that number ?

ANSWER : Any Number

2. If Mary has seven daughters, and each has a brother, how many kids does Mary have ?

ANSWER : Eight - One Boy and Seven Girls

3. If seven people meet each other and each shakes hands only once with each of the others, how many handshakes will there have been ?

ANSWER : 21 Handshakes

4. Three times of which number is no greater than two times the same number ?


5. How many sides can you see in a circle ?

ANSWER : Two Sides - Inside and Outside

6. If it is given than 81 x 9 = 801, how can you make this equation true ?

ANSWER : You need to flip your page upside down, and the equation will be true. Because 108 = 6 x 18

7.  Two children leave for school. One leaves fifteen minutes before the other; however, they cross each other in the school parking lot. Which child is nearer to the school ?

ANSWER : Both the children are at the same distance from their school, as they are at the same place at the same time

8. If two math books were complaining, what would they say to each other ?

ANSWER : I have way too many problems

9. Isabella has a big family of twenty cousins, ten uncles and ten aunts. Now each cousin has an aunt who is not Isabella's aunt. Who is that aunt ?

ANSWER : The aunt is Isabella's mother

10. When Harry was six years old, his little sister Mary was half his age. How old will Mary be when Harry is forty years old ?

ANSWER : She will be thirty-seven years old

11. What will be the next number in this pattern 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . . 


12. If one bag has one pound of cotton and another bag has one pound of iron, which one do you think will be heavier ?

ANSWER : Both will weight the same - One Pound

13. Name a 3D shape that looks the same as your favorite ice cream ?


14. Name the shape that has no angles but is not a circle. Hint: It looks like an egg.


15. Tom said that, in two years, his age would be twice as old as he was exactly five years ago. What is Tom's age now ?

ANSWER : Tom is twelve years old; in two years, he will be fourteen, which is twice when he was seven years old

16. If four chairs can ben made by four men in four hours, how many chairs can be made by eight men in eight hours ?

ANSWER : Sixteen chairs

17. If you are given three positive numbers and have been asked to add them and then multiply them, the result will be the same. Mention these numbers

ANSWER : 1, 2 and 3

18. How many bubbles will be left if Tom blows 18 bubbles in a fair, pops 5, eats 4, and pops 9 and blows 1 ?


19. If I am a number who has a couple of friends, which number am I ?

ANSWER : Three

20. What is it that a sphere has three of, a circle has only two of, and a point has none ?

ANSWER : Dimensions

21. If you add 5 to 9, how will you get 2 ?

ANSWER : If you add 5 hours to 9 a.m., you will get 2 p.m.

22. How many time can you subtract five from the number 25 ?

ANSWER : Only one, because the moment you subtract five from 25, it is no longer 25,  it becomes 20. 

23. If two's a couple and three's a crowd, what are four and five ?


24. Which number keeps going up and never reduces ?

ANSWER : Your age

25. If your and your neighbor's house numbers are written in reverse, and the difference in the house numbers ends in two, what are the house numbers ?

ANSWER : 19 and 91

26. It is 9 am now. Rita studies for 2 hours, takes a bath for 1 hour, and then has lunch for 1 hour. How many hours are left before 9 am tomorrow ?

ANSWER : 20 hours

27. If you multiply this number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. What is the number ?


28. In two years, Tom will be twice as old as he was five years ago. How old is Tom ?


29. What are four consecutive prime numbers that, when added, equal 220 ?

ANSWER : 220 = 47 + 53 + 59 + 61

30. How can you add eight 8's to get the number 1,000 ?

ANSWER : 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1, 000

31. The two numbers opposite each other is always 21 in this figure.

ANSWER : 15 + 6 = 21

32. How can you get 100 using four sevens and a one ?

ANSWER : ( 7 + 7 ) * ( 7 + ( 1 / 7) ) = 100

33.  If two's company and three's a crowd, what are four and five ?


34. What did one math book say to the other math book ?

ANSWER : Do you want to hear my problems ?

35. What did the triangle say to the circle ?

ANSWER : You're pointless

36. What is the maximum possible number of times you can subtract number 5 from number 25 ?

ANSWER : Only once, is because when you subtract 5 from 25, it becomes number 20, then 15, etc.,

37. I add five to nine and get two. The answer is correct, but how ?

ANSWER : When it is 9 p.m., add 5 hours to it and you will get 2 p.m.

38. Using only addition, how can you add eight 8's to get the number 1,000 ?

ANSWER : 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1, 000

39. What can you put between a 7 and an 8 so that the result is greater than a seven, but less than an eight ?

ANSWER : A decimal because 7.8 is greater than 7, but less than 8.

40. What is the smallest even number ?



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