Pirate Quiz For Kids


For centuries, daring pirates have sailed across the oceans and seas of the world to swoop on treasure ships and return home with a fortune. Whether you are a fan of the fantasy Pirates of the Caribbean or a history lover, check out these trivia pirate quiz questions and answers to learn more.

1. Who wrote Treasure Island ?

2. Name the pirate leader, played by actor Johnny Depp, in the film Pirates of the Caribbean ?

3. What is a pirate flag called ?

4. Who was Peter Pan's worst enemy ?

5. How many seas do pirates sail ?

6. What do pirates call the bottom of the sea ?

7. What is the Roman god of the sea called ?

8. What was Blackbeard's real name ?

9. What did Captain Henry Morgan become ?

10. Name the cabin boy in Treasure Island ?

11. What was Captain Hook's first mate called ?

12. Who wrote Peter Pan ?

13. Who was the Pirate Queen of Connaught ?

14. Who was Jack Rackham's girlfriend ?

15. What is the Greek god of the sea called ?

16. Who gets royalties from Peter Pan ?

17. What is a pirate ship's lookout post called ?

18. Did pirates really make prisoners walk the plank ?

19. Which famous pirate had one leg ?

20. Which famous pirate had one hand ?

21. What was Captain Pugwash's ship called ?

22. What was 'grog' made from ?

23. What were 'hard tack' ?

24. Name the ship in Treasure Island

25. What was 'scurvy' ?

26. What is the first thing you would do with a drunken sailor ?

27. Who killed Blackbeard ?

28. What is a pirate's sword called ?

29. What is the 'Hornpipe' ?

30. What does 'buccaneer' mean ?

31. What does 'corsair' mean ?

32. What colour pirate was actor Burt Lancaster ?

33. What is the Spanish word for pirate ?

34. Name a famous Chinese pirate

35. What was Black Bart's full name ?

36. What nationality was the 'Family Robinson' ?

37. What was Sir Francis Drake's ship called ?

38. When would a pirate hoist a red flag ?

39. What was Jack Rackham's nickname ?

40. What happened to Port Royal in 1692 ?

41. How deep is a fathom ?

42. What made privateers different from ordinary pirates ?

43. What was a pirate's leather jug called ?

44. Name Daniel Defoe's castaway.

45. How many tails did a 'cat' have ?

46. Who delivered the black spot to Billy Bones ?

47. What was a marlinspike used for ?

48. What was Mary Drummond's alias ?

49. What is a three-cornered hat called ?

50. How many pieces of eight make doubloon ?


1. Robert Louis Stevenson

2. Jack Sparrow

3. Jolly Roger

4. Captain Hook

5. Seven

6. Davy Jones' Locker

7. Neptune

8. Edward Teach

9. Governor of Jamaica

10. Jim Hawkins

11. Mr Smee

12. J M Barrie

13. Grace O' Malley

14. Anne Bonny

15. Poseidon

16. Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital

17. Crow's nest

18. No evidence to say they did

19. Long John Silver

20. Captain Hook

21. The Black Pig

22. Rum and Water

23. Ship's Biscuits

24. Hispaniola

25. Disease caused by lack of Vitamin C

26. Put him in a long boat 'til he's sober

27. Lt Robert Maynard

28. Cutlass

29. A dance

30. Meat-eating pirate (from French)

31. A chaser/fast pirate ship or privateer

32. Crimson

33. Filibuster

34. Cheung Po Tsai (amongst others)

35. Bartholomew Roberts

36. Swiss

37. The Golden Hind

38. He is going to show no mercy

39. Calico Jack

40. It suffered an earthquake

41. It suffered an earthquake? 

42. They were licensed by the monarch

43. Black Jack

44. Robinson Crusoe

45. Nine

46. Blind Pugh

47. Splitting rope

48. Arabella

49. Tricorne

50. 16

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